Blaxland Public School - Device Destruction

Duration: 3:03

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Transcript – Blaxland Public School - Device Destruction

[upbeat music playing]

WEATHER LADY: Hello there, and welcome to today's weather forecast. The highs of 18, and the lowest is 16. Chance of rain and slightly cloudy. Thank you.

SAM: Thank you for the-- for the-- it doesn't make sense.

CREW: Weather lady.

SAM: Oh thank you, weather lady. Breaking news. A device store was robbed yesterday. Grandma Nina was the only person there at the time. But unfortunately, there was not a witness as she lost her glasses and could not see. Grandma Nina has said that we can interview her. On to you, Carly.

CARLY: Thank you, Sam. I'm here with the very lady today that was in the device store while it was being robbed. Now before we start, can I please get your full name?

GRANDMA NINA: Grandma Nina.

CARLY: OK. So Grandma Nina, I understand that you're very upset about this case, but can you please tell us more?

GRANDMA NINA: Well, I was just inside and then someone came in. And then they took all the devices. But I couldn't see because I wasn't wearing my glasses.

CARLY: That's a real shame. Well, we have our reporter Sam over here with more information. So let's get back.

SAM: Thank you, Carly. Now onto the Officer Pippa with more news.

OFFICER PIPPA: Thank you, Sam. I'm Officer Pippa to your service. I'm very sorry for the robbery in your store, Grandma Nina. Here is more information for you all

[news bulletin music]

that our news reporter Sam is a robber for this case.

SAM: Well, that's my cue to leave.

CARLY: What are you doing here?

SAM: I didn't teleport to my secret base, didn't I?

CARLY: No you didn't.

SAM: Where's grandma Nina?

CARLY: She went home. She was too upset to continue. So now she's baking cookies. Didn't you rob her?

SAM: Oh, I've got somewhere else to be.

CARLY: He's the villain. I can't let him get away. [ominous music playing]

OFFICER PIPPA: Wait, what? Where are they? Oh, there they are.

GRANDMA NINA: I'm so glad I found my glasses. Oh my back. Don't step on my garden.


CARLY: Whoa, breaking news from BPS. Officer Pippalina, do you have any words to say about this?

OFFICER PIPPA: Yes, we caught the villain. He's gone. And he'll be in gaol for a long time. Thank you.

CARLY: And Grandma Nina, did you find your glasses?

GRANDMA NINA: Yes, I sure did.

CARLY: So the very criminal, any last words?

SAM: Hi, mum.

CARLY: Well, there you have it, folks. And that's the latest from BPS News.

[upbeat music playing]

End of transcript
