Video transcript
Film By the Eucalypts 2023 - 06. Ellison Public School - The Cappaburra

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[upbeat rock music playing]

OLLIE: Go, guys. Yeah, there it is. Have you ever camped down here before?


RYDER Well, maybe we'll see a cappaburra.

SAM: A what?

[roaring, rustling]

SAM: Do you guys see that?

ALL: See what?

TOM: I saw something.

SAM: I saw something too.

OLLIE: Guys, where are you going?

TOM: Be back here in a minute. Just wait.

RICHIE: You better be.

RYDER: What are we going to do?

ALL: We wait.

RYDER: Let's go set up camp.

OLLIE: We should set it over there. [comical music playing]

RICHIE: It's been way longer than a minute.

RYDER: Guys, I'm starting to get a bit worried.

OLLIE: Just relax. It's fine.


RICHIE: Did you guys see that?

RYDER: Was that an animal?

RICHIE: What type?

OLLIE: Guys, relax!

RYDER: Guys. There's one spinner cappaburra that lived in the Blue Mountains. It was found a few years ago.

RICHIE: What's a cappaburra?

RYDER: It has black and white fur.

ALL: Yeah!

RYDER: It has sharp claws.

ALL: Yeah!

RYDER: It is about the size of a fully grown bear.

ALL: Yeah!

RYDER: It has really sharp teeth to open its prey's digestive systems.

ALL: Yeah!

OLLIE: Guys, we just all need to relax.


[animal squeaking noise]

RICHIE: I-- I-- I-- I'll miss you guys.



SAM: Look what we found.

OLLIE: Let it go!

RICHIE: A cat?

TOM: A lot of shaking. What's going on?

RICHIE: No, no, no, no, we're fine. We're fine. We're fine. I said we're fine!

SAM: We should go back up to the streets and see who this cat belongs to.

RICHIE: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I agree.

RYDER: Oh my God, that's the best idea I've ever heard!

OLLIE: I'll pack up the tent.

SAM: Look, guys. It's a missing cat poster.

RYDER: And we thought it was a cappaburra.

ALL: A what?

ALL: Oh, never mind.


ALL: What was that?

[ominous music playing]

End of transcript