Ellison Public School - The Lonely Witch

Duration: 3:19

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Transcript – Ellison Public School - The Lonely Witch

[suspenseful music playing]

HOLLIE: Once upon a time, there was a witch. No,

[record scratch]

no, not an old witch-- a modern witch.

[quiet organ music]

Because she spent too much time on her phone watching videos about spells, she never made any friends.

But one day, she saw a girl who had a best friend, a tiny teddy bear with a tiny Etch A Sketch. The witch became so jealous, she used her magic to steal the tiny teddy away but left the Etch A Sketch.

The girl was very sad that her friend was gone and she didn't really like playing Etch A Sketch. So she decided to rescue her friend. But finding a witch is not easy. So the girl knew she needed her own magic.

She tried a spatula. No, nothing. She tried an umbrella. No magic there either. Finally, she decided to go herself with only her courage to help.

But how do you find the witch? Turns out the witch had tried to create her own YouTube and TikTok channels, to make friends. In the background, she saw the witches street name.

Standing outside the witch's house, our hero was ready for a fight. She didn't know if she would win or lose, but she had to try. Just before she rang the doorbell, our hero looked down and saw a wand. The witch had her friend and didn't need the wand anymore. So she threw it out the window.

Out hero picked up the wand, ready to fight. But then she looked through the window. The tiny teddy wasn't in danger at all. She was at a tea party. The witch was smiling so much she didn't look scary anymore. Our hero looked at the wand in her hand and made up her mind.

[quiet organ music]

Friends are better when they're shared.

End of transcript
