Lawson Public School - The Missing Crystal

Duration: 1:54

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Transcript – Lawson Public School - The Missing Crystal

[low rumbling]

CUSTOMER: Hello, can I buy a crystal, please?

STALL HOLDER: Yes. This crystal is quite nice and so are all the other ones.

CUSTOMER: Can I have that one?

STALL HOLDER: Yes. Would you like it to have a bag with it?

CUSTOMER: No, I already have a trick-or-treating bag.

STALL HOLDER: Here you go. It comes with a free crystal guide, but it's pretty heavy.

CUSTOMER: Thank you.

STALL HOLDER: Would you like a box to keep the [inaudible] in?


STALL HOLDER: Should I give you a box to keep your crystal in when you get home?

CUSTOMER: Thank you.

STALL HOLDER: Our customers come very lovely every day. I wonder when my next customer will be here.

FRIEND 1: I wonder what she'll bring home.

FRIEND 2: Me too. It must be so exciting what she brings.

FRIEND 1: You're home.

FRIEND 3: Look what I brought from the crystal shop.

[magic wand casting sound]


FRIEND 2: Where'd it go? Let's look around.

FRIEND 1: I wonder where it could be.


WITCH: I might know where your crystal might be. Just come with me. Ding. Ding. Diiiing! Ding. Wake up, up. Hello.


Please take a seat.

FRIEND 2: I think I see the crystal.

WITCH: No. No.

FRIEND 2: Yes.


FRIEND 2: Yes.

FRIEND 3: I'm so glad we got it back. [magic wand casting sound]


Not again.

FRIEND 2: Aaargh!

WITCH: [laughing]

[low rumbling]

End of transcript
