Video transcript
Film By the Eucalypts 2023 - 16. Leura Public School - A Cat's Tale

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CHRISTIAN: This is a true story about how we got our cat Purrshia. Not only is Purrshia a very fluffy, furry, and nice, but she is also our therapy cat. It all started on the 10th of December, right after school, when Dad walked in and told us to close her eyes.

Meanwhile, he carried up a cat carrier up the stairs into the house. Inside was a little kitten, like these kittens. Everyone was so surprised and happy.

We got Purrshia because my 6-year-old brother Miles has cerebral palsy and had to have a hip-rotation surgery. Cats are excellent therapy animals. Cats can tell your emotions. They know when you're sad, mad. They can help you-- us feel better and regulate our emotions.


MILES: Yeah?

CHRISTIAN: What do you have there?

MILES: [inaudible]

CHRISTIAN: And what do they do?

MILES: They support my feet.

CHRISTIAN: Yeah? And what do you like about having a therapy cat?

MILES: When I feel sick or sad, she comes, and I can cuddle her and pat her.


MILES: She is a bit scratchy.

CHRISTIAN: I mean, she does like to play with the lounge.

MILES: And scratch.

CHRISTIAN: How old were you when we got you?

PURRSHIA: I don't really remember. I just know I was really little and that this little boy came up to me and gave me a hug. And I really liked the way he smelled.

And then I met another little kid. And I really liked the way he smelled. And then I met a little girl. And I just knew straight away that those three little kids are my family.

CHRISTIAN: How is being a therapy cat?

PURRSHIA: I mean, I just-- I just give love, and I receive love. It's really easy, you know? [purring]

CHRISTIAN: I'm so proud of my brother Miles and our furry friend companion, Purrshia. I love how Purrshia is so calm, soft, and playful. And so I'm going to attempt to shrink her and put her in my backpack and take her to--

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