Video transcript
Film By the Eucalypts 2023 - 17. Leura Public School - Freeze Machine

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[upbeat rock music playing]

STUDENT : What was that? I've never seen anything like that. It must have been a freeze ray. I'm going to check that out. Oh--

[heavy footsteps]

STUDENT : Someone's coming.

AUGIE: You're going down.

[freeze ray shoots]

STUDENT : Hey, hey, hey. Stop it, stop. [typing] [dramatic music]

Wait a minute. But-- but I thought he was my friend. Augie, he's 'The Freezer'. These belong to him. I know where to find him.

This is yours, isn't it? You're 'The Freezer'. You're the one that's been freezing everyone.

AUGIE: But I thought no one would ever find out.

[stomps ray gun]

AUGIE: Not my Freeze Ray 4000, no.

STUDENT: Whoa, I've been frozen for a few days now. It was nice, being unfrozen.

STUDENT: It's puffy.

AUGIE: Let me out I'm not 'The Freezer'. I'll never do it again, even if I was. Let me out.

STUDENT: Ha, ha, ha.

End of transcript