Springwood Public School - I Just Made a Stick Man

Duration: 1:09

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Transcript – Springwood Public School - I Just Made a Stick Man

NARRATOR: Friday on Alan's Computer.

[cool music playing]


Donuts, donuts, donuts! Yum! Yum!

[door closes]

[plane taking off]

You a stick man? One eternity later.



I think he dead. Hold up! He not dead!

[xylophone scales]

I think he dead. Hold up! He not dead! Wait. He is dead. Up to stick heaven he goes.

[plane taking off]

[door closes] Next week on Alan's computer.



He didn't even close the door. The end. Wait. Not the end.

[record scratches]

Max said it's not the end. Oh, wait. It is the end. Oopses.

By Ted, Max, and Kian. Why are you still here? Go home!

End of transcript
