Springwood Public School - Luck and Love

Duration: 2:26

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Transcript – Springwood Public School - Luck and Love

[music playing]


[nature sounds]


- Mother is that you? My hair, it's never this messy. Eek! OMG, I'm late for school. Oh, no. Backpack. Cloth, oh, the outfit that I want is gone. [growling] Guess I'll just wear this for now.


[bell ringing]

Another crazy day at this crazy school, this time more crazy than ever.





[music playing]


[music playing]

Doughnuts, just the thing I need to turn the day around. Plus I have money.

- A customer. Yay.

- Hi, miss. Can I have a doughnut?

- Sure, hon. Which one?

- That one.

- $10 please, darling.

- Right away, miss.

- Moolah.


[music playing]

- I'm tasty.


End of transcript
