Video transcript
Film By the Eucalypts 2023 - 26. Wentworth Falls Public School - Interviewing Chickens

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[upbeat music playing]

NARRATOR 1: Today, we are here with four explorers.

NARRATOR 2: They're here to find the mysterious--

NARRATOR 1: Mysterious species that appear to be called chi-horse.

NARRATOR 3: Oh whoa, explorers are determined--

NARRATOR 1: To do whatever it takes--

ALL: To find the mysterious species!

NARRATOR 1: Determined to find it, they trekked for many days until they saw--

ALL: A pride! The mysterious species.

NARRATOR 1: The land they call chicken coop. Happy clucking chickens. No, birds.

ANABELLE: What are you doing? Eh. Eh. Get that thing away. Get-- get it away. Sue you. I'm going to sue you. I'm going to speak to your manager and get you fined.

ALL: Shhhh!

NARRATOR 1: And the four explorers found what they had journeyed to find. Here it is-- the mysterious oval shaped object known as the egg. They had found what they had journeyed to find. But what they didn't realise [record scratch] was that one of their teammates had turned against them and would try to steal the egg. [forboding music playing]

ANABELLE: Hellooo! [record scratch] Get back. Get back! [crying]

Get back.

[interposing voices]

ANABELLE: Let go of the egg.

ANDRE: No way.

ANABELLE: Let go. Let go!

ANDRE: No way.

NARRATOR 2: The story ends with the sad fact that the egg was never seen again.

End of transcript