Winmalee Public School - A Matter of Time

Duration: 4:56

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Transcript – Winmalee Public School - A Matter of Time

[piano music playing]

SAM SLEUTH: It was a dark and stormy night when the most mysterious case in my career walked through that door.

LUCY LAWFUL: Detective Sleuth, we've got a case. These innocent playground bystanders witnessed it and said it happened in the past?

SAM SLEUTH: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What is this 'it' anyway? This is way too hot.

[mysterious music playing]

STUDENT: It was during recess.

STUDENT: It all happened so fast.

STUDENT: [cries]

STUDENT: It's too horrible to say.

STUDENT: Fine! I'll say it! Every single piece of my classroom equipment set--

SAM SLEUTH: Wait, stop. You don't have to yell.

STUDENT: Oh, sorry. I was just pitching my own fit. Anyway, all of our classroom equipment has disappeared. It's gone without a trace.

SAM SLEUTH: So how do I know this happened in the past?

LUCY LAWFUL: Because there's no other evidence other than these kids' memory that the equipment was ever for this class.

SAM SLEUTH: Right! This is the big break my small programme detective business needs. Bring on the time scientist!

TIME SCIENTIST 1: Is it emergency? Is it emergency? Is it emergency? It's an emergency. It is an emergency.

TOGETHER: Calm down!

SAM SLEUTH: What's the cause for this ruckus? This town used to be so small, no more than a missing juice box. And now we're dealing with the space-time continuum? I can't wait to get out of this town and spend my days on the beaches of Yarramundi.

TIME SCIENTIST 2: OK. If you happen to stick around with time and briefly.

TIME SCIENTIST 3: We have a major problem.

TIME SCIENTIST 4: It's all the equipment stolen in one classroom.

STUDENT: Don't worry, guys. We have a spare.

TIME SCIENTIST 1: But in the meantime, there's a group of hardened Blue Mountain playground bullies walking around with a time machine.

TOGETHER: A time machine?

LUCY LAWFUL: Well, that explains why those toys have no history with being with those kids.

SAM SLEUTH: We need your spare time machine now.


TIME SCIENTIST 2: But be careful.

TIME SCIENTIST 3: This model has a bad habit of--

TOGETHER: No time!

TIME SCIENTIST 4: Going to the wrong place.

TIME SCIENTIST 1: At the wrong time.

LUCY LAWFUL: Beep boo bee.

I know where this is.

SAM SLEUTH: I know when this is.


LUCY LAWFUL: Stop! Get your hands away from that equipment.

BULLY 1: Oh, look what we got here-- Mr. Smarty Pants. Are you lost, or did your brain finally escape?

BULLY 2: Hey you. Yeah, you just a peck pecking in your brain. Prepare to face the wrath of us.

BULLY 3: I think you're wearing your superhero undies today. Well, guess what? They won't save you from my dreaded cheese touch attack.

BULLY 4: You think you're tough? Well, I once ate a whole bowl of broccoli without crying. Top that, crybaby!

BULLY 5: I heard your pet fish went away. Probably tired of you talking about your grand adventures, loser!

LUCY LAWFUL: You think you scare us? I've seen a more intimidating group of kindy kids. Give it up. We foiled your plans.

SAM SLEUTH: And we have the principal on speed dial.

BULLY 1: Guys, we didn't plan for this.

BULLY 2: We can't just give up.

BULLY 4: You guys are on your own.

LUCY LAWFUL: That's what we thought.

SAM SLEUTH: Now, scram.

LUCY LAWFUL: Let's take the equipment, and also this extra time machine.

SAM SLEUTH: Beep boo bee.

LUCY LAWFUL: Was this a malfunctioning time machine?

SAM SLEUTH: Beep boo beep doo doo.


STUDENT: Wait, it's all coming back to me. We do have equipment. It's the green set.

STUDENT: Guys, it's our stuff. They did it!


SAM SLEUTH: Now that's one mystery solved.

LUCY LAWFUL: Here's hoping there isn't any more. And I'm so glad that that other time machine didn't do anything.


RAPTOR: Roar! Roar!

[dramatic music playing]

End of transcript
