Video transcript
Film By the Eucalypts 2023 - 31. Winmalee Public School - No Syndrome

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ABBY: Is this thing on?

MOLLY: Hi I'm Molly, and this is Eliza. And welcome to the first episode of 'For Kids' Eyes Only.' Today, we are discussing a rather alarming issue that we kids call the No Syndrome.

ELIZA: Yes, that's right. All the adults can only say no. It is a virus that is affecting adults all over the world. Our finest doctors have been able to diagnose that this sickness has three stages.

MOLLY: The first stage is being able to say other words but generally, just no. One of our reporters is with the youngest interns at a house of an adult who is in the first stage. Over to you, Nellie.

NELLIE: I'm here with an adult who has recently started showing symptoms of this troubling case. How are you?

MR. HARVEY: Good. No.

OLIVIA: OK, how is this disease affecting you?

MR. HARVEY: It's hard. You know, I can't-- no-- stop saying no. No. You know? No.

NELLIE: Thank you for your perspective. I hope we can find a cure. Back to you, Mollie and Eliza.

ELIZA: We'll get the adults cured soon. I can feel we're close to a breakthrough. Now over to someone who is experiencing the second stage.

GEORGIA: I'm here with Mrs. Holdsworth, who is in the second stage of No Syndrome, where they can say no and other words that have the same meaning.

MRS. HOLDSWORTH: No, of course not. No. No. No. No.

GEORGIA: Yes, very interesting. How is this disease affecting you?

MRS. HOLDSWORTH: Not on your Nelly. No, under no circumstances nay, no.

GEORGIA: Do you have anything to add to that?

MRS. HOLDSWORTH: No, not at all

ABBY: Eliza, your turn.

ELIZA: Thanks for that interesting interview, Georgia. And finally is the worst stage of this disease. The third, over to Sophie.

SOPHIE: I have a woman who used to be the president. But now that she is infected, her daughter is only a peasant. So let's hear from the old person.


SOPHIE: As you can see, she is in the third stage. Now back to--

ELIZA: --all well we know right now. We'll keep you posted on this issue.

ALL: The candy factory shut down! Nooooo!

[ominous music playing]

[upbeat saxophone music playing]

End of transcript