Video transcript
Film By the Eucalypts 2023 - 32. Winmalee Public School - Winnie's Gone Rogue

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MADDISON: Girls. Girls. Bad things around the school have been happening.

LEILA: What?

MADDISON: You didn't know?


MADDIE: Hey, Maddison, look. The bin's tipped over.

MADDISON: Oh, thank you. Thank you, Maddie. Who? What? Where? Where? How?

MADDIE: Are you OK?

MADDISON: Yes. Well, maybe not.

LEILA: How can this be? [screams]

[school bell rings]

MADDISON: Bell's time, so let's go.

[animal scratching]

MADDISON: Class time.

LEILA: OK. What happened?

MADDISON: Our pencils, chairs, all--

ALL: --over!

MADDISON: Cleaning time.

MADDIE: Cleaning done.

MADDISON: Cleaning done.

LEILA: Cleaning done.

MADDIE: Let's go to the library.


LEILA: Yeah.


MADDISON: I'll be right back. What's this? What is this doing here?

[loud crash]

MADDISON: What was that?

LEILA: What's that? It's Winnie!

PRINCIPAL: Good job, Winnie. You tricked the kids. Winnie, they saw you. You're fired.


MADDISON: That's the bells. Come on. Let's go.

Cleaning done.

LEILA: Cleaning done.



MADDISON: What's this doing here?

[rock music playing]

End of transcript