Video transcript
The Arts Unit 2021 - Acknowledgement of Country

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[ambient bush sounds and percussive instruments]

ZIPPORAH CORSER ANU: Kayb ngalpa ngitha mura. Which in my language means, 'G'day everyone.'

SEBASTIAN KELLY-TOIAVA: Yaama, which in my language is a form of greeting. And I'm a proud Ngiyampaa man.

ZANE CARR: Today I would like to acknowledge the Darug people of this land on which we stand.

ZIPPORAH CORSER ANU: On which we stand.

SEBASTIAN KELLY-TOIAVA: On which we stand.

ZIPPORAH CORSER ANU: May the stars shine bright wherever you are and guide you all.

SEBASTIAN KELLY-TOIAVA: I'd like to acknowledge the spirits, the ancestors, the flora and fauna.

JOSHUA KALAW: The mountains, the rivers, and the elders both past and present.

ZOE BROWN: For they will continue on sharing their knowledge to the future generations.

KIYA SLOCKEE: We pay our respects to your continued connection and care for Country.

JARED SMITH: We would like to extend our acknowledgements to any other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people here today.

KIYA SLOCKEE: And so, we welcome you to this beautiful Country.

JARED SMITH: Sit back, Duramori yurimaia, relax, and enjoy what I'm sure is to be an amazing gathering. Yalabi daiyalung bora.

BOTH: Yamma.

[ambient bush sounds and percussive instruments]

End of transcript