State Dance Festival Teachers choreographic workshop – application form 2024

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Welcome to the 2024 NSW Public Schools State Dance Festival 'Perpetual Motion' Teacher Choreographic Workshop form.

The State Dance Festival teachers' choreographic workshop professional development aims to equip teachers with the knowledge and skills to create successful dance items with their students. The workshop caters to all dance teachers regardless of prior choreographic experience and includes separate session for primary and secondary teachers. 

This half-day workshop will comprise of

  • unpacking the dance syllabus to guide choreographic practice
  • analysis of successful performance items
  • discussion of the use of the elements of production to enhance performance
  • practical activities unlocking creative approaches to choreography, and
  • planning effective teaching and learning strategies

Applications close Friday 6 September 2024.

Date and time

Friday 20 September 2024
Primary teachers 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Secondary teachers 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm


Online via Microsoft Teams

Workshop cost

$80 (incl GST).

Application process

  1. Complete this online application form below, including all your contact teacher information.
  2. Once you have completed this online form, you will receive an email confirming your application submission and also containing payment advice, including a school invoice details form if required.

Should you have any queries, please email the Dance Team.

Teacher details

Workshop selection
Please select which workshop you would like to attend. 
If you do not have a DoE serial number, please type N/A.

School details

If you do not work at a school, please type N/A.
For example: running dance classes within curriculum, extra-curricular dance groups, etc.

Teacher background information

What is your level of choreographic knowledge?
What level would you consider yourself to be at when it comes to knowledge/understanding of choreography and choreographic processes?
If nil, please type N/A. If yes, please type what year/s.
If nil, please type N/A. If yes, please type what year/s.
Please indicate if any of the following are applicable.
English as an additional language or dialect

Authority to film and record

Responsible school or business unit and contact person

The filming/recording will be arranged by: The Department of Education, The Arts Unit

Contact person name: [program coordinator]
Email: [program coordinator email]

Production company

The filming/recording will be done by: internally by NSW Department of Education ('department')


Project described as above.


Referred to in this document as 'footage'.

  • Video (including audio)
  • Still photography
  • Audio only recording

Filming/recording start and end date

As per project date unless otherwise described.

Filming location

As per project location unless otherwise described.

What the footage will be used for

The footage will be used to promote the workshop or program and encourage support and participation in the workshop or program.

Publication media

In connection with the Project the footage may be used by the department in the following:

  • on departmental and school websites in school newsletters
  • in publicity materials published by the department
  • on the department’s social media accounts
  • in print digital and online newspapers and magazines
  • television
  • other.

What will be filmed or recorded

Performances, rehearsals, workshops, interviews, competitions, festivals in relation to the Project.

How the filming or recording will occur

Up to three cameras would be used, with external lighting and audio recording equipment.

Storage and access

Raw footage will be stored on NSW Department of Education secure servers, accessible only by The Arts Unit staff. Produced footage will be uploaded to Vimeo and cross published on Facebook and The Arts Unit website, accessible by the public.

How long can the footage be used for?

The footage will be available for use until the department considers it no longer fit for purpose

The footage online may provide cached on web browsers  and archived copies may appear after the department itself has ceased to post the footage.


Not applicable.

Acknowledgements and consents

Filming/recording: I consent to the department filming me and recording my voice, performances, poses, and actions in connection with the project described above.
Re-records: if any re-recording or voice-overs are needed, I agree to make myself available to assist.
Use: I consent to the department using the footage of me for the Project described above, (including to promote the Project.
Video editing: I understand that the department may edit any video it records, including combining it with other video and audio and adding text or music for the project
I waive any right to inspect or approve any use of the footage before it is used.
Copyright: I acknowledge and agree that all rights in and to any content captured as a part of the project, including the copyright, are and shall remain the sole property of the department and I waive any moral rights under the Copyright Act 1968 in the video and audio.
Voluntary: I understand that participation in the filming and recording is voluntary and I will not be remunerated.
Online reposts: if the footage is posted by the department on the internet the department cannot prevent third parties from posting links.
Interpretation: references in this Acknowledgment to 'me' and 'I' are references to the person recorded in the 'student details' section of this form.

I certify and represent that I have read the foregoing and fully understand the meaning and effect; and (please select one of the following):

Authority to Film and Record

Please note that participation in the program is not dependent on granting permission to publish (talent release).

Please sign above.

Application endorsement

I acknowledge that I have received permission from the school principal (if applicable) to submit this application. I understand that, should this application be successful, written approval for involvement will be requested from the school principal.