Literature and language arts

Frequently asked questions

Who do I talk with for more information?
Please contact the support officer on 02 8512 1173 or email

Where can I download a poster, participation certificate, information guides and wordlists?
Visit the Premier’s Spelling Bee web page throughout the year for all relevant information, links and downloads. The poster can be printed using your school's equipment.

How many students from each level attend regional finals?
One Stage 2 and one Stage 3 students are allowed per school.

Can Year 2 students compete in the Premier’s Spelling Bee?
Yes - Students can compete in higher age divisions of the competition but not lower. Year 2 students can compete in the Junior and Senior Division. Year 3 and 4 students can compete in the Junior and Senior Division. Year 5 and 6 students cannot compete in the Junior Division.

Should I give word lists to parents and students?
Yes, providing:

  • The word lists are not published on your school website (provide a link to the Premier’s Spelling Bee website) and supply the password to teachers, students and parents. 
  • The password is not published on your school website or any electronic publicly accessible forum.
  • Past coordinators have found it useful to put the password on their notice boards as well as supplying the front office with it, so interested parents can gain it without directly contacting the coordinating teacher.

Which word lists are for whom?

  • Junior Lists are for Years 3 and 4 – Level 1 - 5
  • Senior Lists are for Years 5 and 6 – Level 2 – 6.

How should I submit the names of the Regional Finalists?
Visit the Premier’s Spelling Bee Webpage and enter your student names in the online form when it becomes available in May. You will be sent a link via email. Please double-check the spelling of student names, as these may appear on programs and certificates.

What words will be used at the Regional and State Finals?
Words at the Regional and State finals will be drawn randomly from both the general and categorised word lists.

Will all the words at the Regional and State Final come from the lists?
No. At regional finals, after approximately 6 rounds of words from the Official Word Lists, round(s) of unseen words, also provided by Macquarie Dictionary, will determine a winner.

At the State Finals, the first 3 to 4 rounds are taken from the seen words before the competition moves on to unseen words.

Where and when will my students attend a regional final?

Regional finals are conducted online (Teams or Zoom) from The Arts Unit. Regional final dates are published early in Term 3. Keep an eye out there or wait for an email from the Premier’s Spelling Bee Coordinator to notify you or your date, time, and the online link to participate.

Will students be judged incorrect for failing to specify a capital letter?

No, students do not need to indicate capital letters in their spelling.

Should students wear school uniforms to the Regional Finals and the State Final?

Yes. Students are representing their schools and therefore, should be in full uniform.

Do Regional Final runners-up compete at the State Final?

No. Names of regional final runners-up are recorded as reserves in case the winner cannot attend the State Final.

Does The Arts Unit provide permission notes for my students to attend Regional Finals?

No, schools devise their own permission notes if required, as regional finals will be on school grounds.

Can independent and private schools enter the Premier’s Spelling Bee?

At this stage, the competition is open to NSW public school students only.

Can family members attend the state final as guests?

State finalists are welcome to bring family support. We will send an invitation to schools to forward to finalist contestants’ families. Please note we require all family and school supporters’ names for the state final, as the ABC has stringent security procedures at the venue.


For further information, please contact the Premier’s Spelling Bee Support Officer,
Phone 02 8512 1173

The 2024 NSW Premier’s Spelling Bee is proudly supported by Major Sponsor Grok Academy, Supporters, Primary English Teaching Association AustraliaABC Radio Sydney and ACCO Brands Australia, and Word List Partner Macquarie Dictionary