Schools Spectacular

Staff onboarding

To be employed by The Arts Unit and work on the Schools Spectacular, you need to complete the following steps to ensure you can work with students as well as be paid for the day. 

Currently employed by the Department of Education as a casual, fulltime or part-time teacher

Follow the steps below to ensure you are able to work on the Schools Spectacular.

1. Ensure your mandatory training is up to date

Please login to MyPL and ensure you have completed all of the mandatory training for teachers in schools. You will need to supply your certificates prior to employment. As a minimum, we require certificates for:

2. Upload your information and documents

You must upload all the required documents to the Schools Spectacular engagement form. The documents and information required are:

  • Your employee ID
  • Employment details (full-time, part-time, casual, schools engaged with)
  • Certificates for all the mandatory training on MyPL
3. Submit your signed Letter of Agreement

Once the above information is received you will be sent a Letter of Agreement from the Schools Spectacular team with details of your employment. You must submit this via the Letter of Agreement submission form before you begin work, this form will be emailed to you.


External employees

1. Ensure you have a valid working with children check

All staff working on Schools Spectacular are required to have a valid Working With Children Check (WWCC). If you need to apply for a Working with Children Check, please visit the Service NSW website.

2. Obtain your employee ID

You will need to submit the following documents to the Schools Spectacular employee ID application form:

Upload these documents to the employee ID application form.

Once this information is processed, you will receive an email with your employee ID (3–6 business days).

3. Contact EdConnect to receive your email address

Once you've received your employee ID, call EdConnect on 1300 32 32 32 and inform them of your employee number and they will provide you with an email address.

4. Complete the mandatory training

You will need to complete all the mandatory training below via the MyPL portal. Follow this guide on how to create an account and use MyPl.

You must complete the following courses:

5. Upload all your certificates and payment documents

To be paid by the department you will need to email the following documents to email form to

6. Submit your signed Letter of Agreement

Once the above information is received you will be sent a Letter of Agreement from the Schools Spectacular team with details of your employment. You will be required to submit this via the Letter of Agreement submission form before you begin work.