Learn how to define the topic in a primary school debate.
Explore movement and choreographic choices through performance, composition and appreciation.
Apply the elements of dance as you learn, perform and analyse a jazz dance.
Fun games to focus on mine and gestures, using imagination and body language.
Learn how to use everyday objects as props to create scenes and build narratives.
Warm up the body and voice with some quick and easy solo exercises to get you ready for performance.
Contemporary theatre workshops for secondary students providing an opportunity for them to engage in a diversity of performance techniques and conventions beyond the classroom.
Develop your voice, physical and character skills by creatively exploring words, rhythm and movement.
Strategies to prepare and practise playing the drums.
Experiment and compose music with technology.
Explore set, costume and promotional design from items around the home to develop a practical understanding of design elements in production.
You will be notified as soon as we release new teacher PD, virtual excursions and streamed event.
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02 8512 1100 theartsunit@det.nsw.edu.au
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Payment for teachers or school participation in The Arts Unit programs.
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