Lights, camera, action!


A variety of permissions need to be sought prior to filming for:

  • the use of drones
  • catering 
  • wind/weather
  • location
  • risk assessments.

Here is an example letter written by students to the station master at Cronulla so that the train station could be used as a location for filming Jack and Tom.

Letter to Cronulla train station asking for permission to film at the station.

Letter to Cronulla train station:  made by Film by students.

Dear Cronulla station master:

I'm Lily from Miranda public and I'm writing you this letter for permission to use your train station to film. I promise anything we touch will be put back the way we found it and if we break something it will be payed [paid] for. We think your train station is beautiful and will stop for nothing to film at it.

kind regards: Lily