Lights, camera, action!


Let’s look at 4 main roles that are important in making a film:

The director

The director is in charge of the show.

They call the shots and ‘direct’ the action on the set. 

When the director speaks – everyone listens

Listen to Lily as she tells us about her role as the director.

Lily, the director of the film
Lily – director

The assistant director

The assistant director is second in charge of the show.

They do all the preparation, book the venues, hire the equipment, order the catering, book the actors and are in charge of all the operational aspects of the film.

Here you can see Isabelle and her sister preparing for the film day revising their storyboard.

Isabelle, the assistant director
Isabelle – assistant director


The camera is a vital part of the film. Not only for the person operating the camera but for all the assistants that work together to ensure the best take is achieved.

This includes the clapperboard to mark each scene that is filmed.

Here you see Jasmine working the clapper board.

Jasmine –  clapper board


The actor’s role is to know the script and use their body to express the emotion and character of that script.

Actors may do a range of tasks like play a character or interview people.

Andile the actor
Andile - actor