Lights, camera, action!

Where can film take me?

The story of Oscar

Oscar started making films in year 5, having transferred from another school.

He said, “I want to be in filmmaking, I’ll do any job.”

For the next 2 years, that is exactly what he did. He participated in every filmmaking course he could.

At the end of Year 6, his mother said that at this last school, he was invisible and that film had ‘turned the light on’ in this remarkable person.

Opportunities like Film By helped Oscar pursue his ‘spark.’

Oscar has completed his secondary study and is now studying film at the Australian Film Television and Radio School

What film did for me

Film is an incredible medium to use in the classroom. It is the ultimate leveller and often reveals children’s hidden talents.

Find out more from the students about how being part of filmmaking helped them by watching the video What film did for me.