Literature and language arts

NSW Premier's Reading Challenge post-challenge validation

Schools can use this 2-step process to request the validation of one or more student reading records (SRRs) after any challenge from 2008 onwards has closed. This process is for students with incomplete online student reading records only. If you have students with student reading records showing online as complete that need to be validated, please email the PRC team with the student details. 

Only students with a validated SRR at the end of this process will be considered.

Step 1 – Principal applies for validation of SRRs

The principal enters:

  • the calendar year in which validation was missed – 2008 or later
  • how many SRRs require validation 1-5, 6-30, 31-100, more than 100
  • the reason that the SRRs were not validated.

If the application submitted in step one is approved by the PRC team, schools may then proceed to step 2.

Ready for step 1? Proceed to the Post-challenge validation application.

Step 2 – Principal or PRC coordinator submits the SRRs to be validated

The principal or coordinator completes an online form for each student's SRR using the following information:

  • The student's SRN and DoE user ID – these can be found on the PRC website Student details page
  • The PRC ID, challenge level, title, and author for each book read - these can be found in the PRC booklist.

The estimated data entry time for each SRR is:

  • between 5 and 15 minutes if the PRC ID and challenge level for each book are known
  • up to 30 minutes if the PRC ID and challenge level have yet to be identified in the PRC booklist.

Ready for step 2?  Proceed to the Post-challenge student reading record application.

Certificates and medals

Gold and platinum certificates and medals

Post-challenge SRR submitted SRR added to website Certificate/medal posted
Prior to 27 September 2024 November 2024 November 2024
After 28 September 2024  Term 1, 2025 Term 1, 2025

Challenge completion certificates

Post-challenge SRR submitted SRR added to website Certificate available to print
Prior to 27 September 2024 November 2024 November 2024
After 28 September 2024 Term 1, 2025  Term 1, 2025

Homeschool and independent applications

For applications to validate missed challenge years for students attending a homeschool or a school with no PRC coordinator, the Homeschool and independent student post-challenge validation application should be filled out by the student's parent or carer.

Only students who will have a validated reading record at the end of this process will be considered. If the student record is complete, but just requires validating, please do not fill out this form – send details of the SRR to be validated via email to

If, after validating the requested SRR a student is eligible for a Gold or Platinum certificate or Medal, this will be sent to the school

  1. in Term 4 for SRRs submitted prior to 30 September
  2. in Term 1 of the following year for SRRs submitted between 30 September and 13 February.

Books entered for a student need to comply with the Challenge Rules for the student's Challenge level at the time validation was missed.

The PRC ID, Challenge Level, Title and Author for each book read can be found in the PRC Booklist. Choice books must be entered last.

Ready? Proceed to the Homeschool and independent student post-challenge validation application.