NSW Premier's Reading Challenge

Booklist and review process

How does a book get on the PRC booklists?

Every book on the PRC booklists is extensively reviewed and evaluated for consideration. Each year, the 4 PRC booklists are refreshed and enhanced to ensure that new, award winning and notable books, and established and new Australian authors, are included. Books are sourced from publishers, bookshops and libraries, and titles are also suggested for inclusion by librarians, teachers, students, parents and the general public.

Since 2017 the review process was changed to allow books to be added to the booklists more regularly, with updates taking place at the beginning of Terms 1, 2 and 3 throughout the school year. All books sent to the PRC or requested copies are rigorously reviewed by Review Panel Members.

What criteria is used to evaluate books for inclusion on the lists?

The criteria for a book to be considered for the PRC includes the requirement that the booklist include books that are:

  • easily obtainable for any student in NSW
  • a current publication
  • quality literature
  • suitable for students in the Kindergarten to Year 10 range
  • include a range of classic, modern and contemporary books
  • represent a range of book types including fiction, non fiction, illustrated and picture books, and poetry.

A Premier's Reading Challenge Book must:

  • enhance the reputation of the PRC booklist as quality, diverse and interesting books
  • be appropriate for readers in the Kindergarten to Year 10 range
  • encourage love of reading for interest and pleasure
  • foster awareness of the value of books
  • encourage students to think about who they are in relation to their family, community and society.

A book on the PRC booklists should not:

  • offend a reasonable member of the community
  • contain themes that are inappropriate for the target age group
  • contain themes that are too mature for our audience
  • promote mediocrity.

Similar standards apply to visual texts as to literary texts. Some excellent literature may still not be suitable for placement on the PRC booklists.

If a book is approved and recommended to be included on the PRC list, it will be added to the PRC booklist that is accessed by thousands of schools and students across the state. Please note that due to the high volume of books received we are unable to directly contact publishers or authors about their book being added to the PRC Booklist. Additions to the booklist go live at the beginning of the school term, and new approved series go live in November to avoid disruptions to Student Reading Records due to challenge rules restricting the number of series books that can be counted.

Who reviews books that are added to the booklists?

Our PRC Review Team is made up of a volunteer panel of selected teachers, teacher librarians and members with an interest and expertise in literature for children and young adults. Our Review Panel also includes a number of students who provide expert opinions and feedback on suggested titles for inclusion.

A PRC reviewer:

  • is passionate about children's and YA literature, and loves to read
  • has a strong understanding of quality literature appropriate for school-aged children
  • is able to contribute rigorous and comprehensive reviews, with reference to the PRC Review Process guidelines and other supporting information
  • has sound communication skills, and is able to effectively use online forms to submit PRC reviews
  • is able to maintain the confidentiality of the PRC review process.

PRC reviewers are expected to:

  • communicate with the PRC team about your reading preferences and availability
  • receive a selection of books to read, in consultation with the PRC team
  • submit reviews in a timely manner (usually due a the end of each term)
  • get to keep books you review, either for your own collections, or to be donated to your school, classroom or keen student readers.

After submission of a review by a PRC reviewer, the PRC Officer and team will evaluate the reviews and make a final decision about a book's appropriateness for inclusion on the PRC list. 

How do I join the PRC review panel?

Epresssions of interest will be accepted when there are positions available on the review panel. These opportunities will be advertised here and on the PRC home page. 

How can I suggest a book to be included on the PRC booklists?

We'd love to hear your suggestions! Please fill out the Suggestion form to recommend a book for the PRC. 
Publishers and authors are welcome to submit books for review, by sending copies to:

NSW Premier's Reading Challenge
NSW Department of Education
GPO Box 33
Sydney NSW 2001

Please note, we are unable to provide individual feedback about the outcome of the review process for books submitted for consideration.

I think that the PRC Team should reconsider a book's challenge level/inclusion on the list. What should I do?

We value feedback from our readers and community, as we continually strive to ensure the PRC Booklists provide an excellent guide for students to develop a love of reading for leisure and pleasure. If you think a book has been placed on a level that is not appropriate, or would like to request a reevaluation of a book's suitability for the PRC booklist, please email prc@det.nsw.edu.au with your request including the following details:

  • title
  • author
  • PRC ID
  • current reading list
  • change requested
  • supporting information (include page numbers, quotes as required).