Film By

Teacher professional learning workshops

These workshops provide invaluable professional development opportunities for teachers, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively teach filmmaking in the classroom.

Teachers will gain expertise in various aspects of filmmaking, such as camera techniques, sound design, and storytelling. This newfound knowledge will allow teachers to inspire and guide their students to explore their creativity and express themselves through film. Additionally, collaborating with specialist film educators fosters a supportive network where teachers can exchange ideas and best practices, enhancing their teaching methods and overall effectiveness.


NESA accredited professional learning 

Completing this professional learning (online or face-to-face), including all the tasks and surveys will provide 6 hours of accredited professional learning.

MyPL links:

Workshops dates and times


Cost: $100/teacher

Please visit the face-to-face workshop page on MyPL and register to have these hours accredited.

Date Time Venue
Monday 24 June 2024 9.30 am – 3:00 pm

NSW Department of Education
105 Phillip St Parramatta

Friday 20 September 2024* 9:30 am – 3:00 pm NSW Department of Education
105 Phillip St Parramatta

*This workshop runs at the same time as the Year 5 - Year 8 student workshop in the same venue. We suggest you also register your students and bring them to this event. Maximum of 6 students per school. 


Online - full-day workshop

Cost: $75/teacher

Please visit the online workshop page on MyPL and register to have these hours accredited.

Date Time Additional information
Tuesday 22 October 2024 9:30 am – 3:00 pm Please register to have the Teams link emailed to you.


Local schools

Cost: Free

Festival Date Location
Film By the City N/A N/A
Film By the Eucalypts (Gala Day) Wednesday 8 May 2024 Springwood Public School

Film By the Hospital 

Wednesday 3 April 2024 Westmead Children's Hospital School
Film By the Jetty Tuesday 9 April 2024  Tyalla Public School
Film By the Northern Rivers N/A N/A
Film By the Pasture N/A N/A
Film By the Sea TBA TBA
Film By the Vines**

Tuesday 14 May 2024 (3:30 pm to 5:00 pm) 

Cessnock Public School

Film By the Vines** Wednesday 15 May 2024 (3:30 pm to 5:00 pm) Bellbird Public School

** We recommend attending both sessions as each session covers different topics.

Application process

  1. Teachers must complete their payments through the online Payment Portal hosted by The Arts Unit.
  2. Please complete the application form for this workshop, making sure to indicate which session (face-to-face or online) you will attend.

Once you have completed this online form, you will receive an email confirming your application submission and also containing payment advice, including a school invoice details form if required.

Program outcomes and additional information

Participants will gain insight into practical filmmaking approaches that teachers can impart to both fellow educators and their students.

If you have any questions or concerns please email Film By Officer, Karishma Mathur, at

Apply for a teacher professional learning workshop


Session choice

Teacher details

Teacher details
Teacher position
Teacher gender

Dietary requirements

Lunch will be provided, please indicate any dietary requirements.


Authority to film and record

Responsible school or business unit and contact person

The filming/recording will be arranged by: The Department of Education, The Arts Unit

Contact person name: Karishma Mathur

Production company

The filming/recording will be done by: internally by NSW Department of Education ('department')


Project described as above.


Referred to in this document as 'footage'.

  • Video (including audio)
  • Still photography
  • Audio only recording

Filming/recording start and end date

As per project date unless otherwise described.

Filming location

As per project location unless otherwise described.

What the footage will be used for

The footage will be used to promote the workshop or program and encourage support and participation in the workshop or program.

Publication media

In connection with the Project the footage may be used by the department in the following:

  • on departmental and school websites in school newsletters
  • in publicity materials published by the department
  • on the department’s social media accounts
  • in print digital and online newspapers and magazines
  • television
  • other.

What will be filmed or recorded

Performances, rehearsals, workshops, interviews, competitions, festivals in relation to the Project.

How the filming or recording will occur

Up to three cameras would be used, with external lighting and audio recording equipment.

Storage and access

Raw footage will be stored on NSW Department of Education secure servers, accessible only by The Arts Unit staff. Produced footage will be uploaded to Vimeo and cross published on Facebook and The Arts Unit website, accessible by the public.

How long can the footage be used for?

The footage will be available for use until the department considers it no longer fit for purpose

The footage online may provide cached on web browsers  and archived copies may appear after the department itself has ceased to post the footage.


Not applicable.

Acknowledgements and consents

Filming/recording: I consent to the department filming me and recording my voice, performances, poses, and actions in connection with the project described above.
Re-records: if any re-recording or voice-overs are needed, I agree to make myself available to assist.
Use: I consent to the department using the footage of me for the Project described above, (including to promote the Project.
Video editing: I understand that the department may edit any video it records, including combining it with other video and audio and adding text or music for the project
I waive any right to inspect or approve any use of the footage before it is used.
Copyright: I acknowledge and agree that all rights in and to any content captured as a part of the project, including the copyright, are and shall remain the sole property of the department and I waive any moral rights under the Copyright Act 1968 in the video and audio.
Voluntary: I understand that participation in the filming and recording is voluntary and I will not be remunerated.
Online reposts: if the footage is posted by the department on the internet the department cannot prevent third parties from posting links.
Interpretation: references in this Acknowledgment to 'me' and 'I' are references to the person recorded in the 'student details' section of this form.

I certify and represent that I have read the foregoing and fully understand the meaning and effect; and (please select one of the following):

Permission to publish

Please note that participation in the program is not dependent on granting permission to publish (talent release).


I understand full payment must be made before the program or event begins. Once payment has been made, there will be no refunds. Cash will not be accepted.
Enter the receipt number you received after making a payment through the teacher payment portal as step 1 of the registration process.

Application endorsement

I acknowledge that I have received permission from the school principal (if applicable) to submit this application. I understand that, should this application be successful, written approval for involvement will be requested from the school principal.